Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Still in the Eid atmosphere, Labschool is holding Halalbihalal entitled "Through Halalbihalal Let's Strengthen the Ties of Friendship and Strengthen Cooperation Relations to Create Optimal Performance" at the LPSP Auditorium, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, on Tuesday, April 23 2023.
This activity was attended by the entire UNESA Labschool family. Prof. Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., Director of Labschool, said that this activity was a momentum to reflect on religion and institutions.
"Labschool is now starting to take off internationally. This requires a shared commitment and enthusiasm to bring the institution more advanced and superior ," he said.
Prof Jar hopes that this halalbihalal will not only bring closer and strengthen the relationship between the entire Labschool family, but also foster motivation and togetherness to make various breakthroughs and strengthen future transformations.
"Our target for the future is to strengthen internationalization programs and encourage students to be involved in international programs," he said.
The Director of Labschool and Chair of the UNESA Labschool Foundation together with the entire UNESA Labschool family shook hands hands and apologize to each other physically and mentally in halalbihalal
Head of the Center for Rural, Regional and Renewable Energy Development Studies, Dr. Mufarrihul Hazin, M.Pd., as a resource person at this event said that halalbihalal was coined by KH. Abdul Wahab Hasbullah is based on the events of Bung Karno's time.
"In the past, there were a lot of disputes, and that happened in the month before Shawwal, so halal bihalal was created which was then agreed upon by the president of Indonesia and is still implemented by the community," he explained.
The man who once served as IPNU Secretary said that Halalbihalal is usually marked by friendship. Based on the words of the Prophet SAW that friendship can prolong life and expand the doors of sustenance.
In line with the halalbihalal theme. This time, after the friendship, cooperation is formed, after cooperation the performance will automatically be maximum. "Apart from speeding up work, if a job is done together it will be precise and optimal," he said. Also present at this activity was the Chair of the UNESA Labschool Foundation, Dra. Endah Purnomowati, M.Pd., and Director of Labschool, Prof. Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Arts, Syafiul Anam, PhD and Labschool staff.[]
Reporter: Lina Lubabatul Karimah (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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