Surabaya State University (UNESA) Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, SURABAYA—Increasing the quality and quality of research carried out by the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) through the transformation program is starting to bear fruit. As a result of this commitment, the research achievements and community service of the 'House of Champions' campus lecturers have increased from year to year.
This was stated by the Head of the UNESA Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), Prof. Dr. Muhammad Turhan Yani, MA on Saturday, June 1 2024. "Friday, May 31 2024, was a special day for UNESA, because many research and PKM proposals passed the national competition at the Directorate of Research, Technology and Community Service (DRTPM) of the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture. 2024," he explained.
This good news was immediately appreciated by UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M. Kes. The sports science professor who is familiarly called Cak Hasan is also proud of the achievements obtained by LPPM UNESA. According to him, research and service are important pillars of higher education that need to continue to improve their quality and impact on society.
“I hope that the activities or programs carried out so far to improve the quality and achievements of research and service can "Continue to be strengthened and developed again by involving more lecturers so that it becomes an academic culture to strengthen UNESA PTNBH," hoped Cak Hasan.
The Chairman of LPPM, Prof. Turhan, said that to qualify for research funding and PKM in DRTPM the competition is very strict because there are thousands of proposals submitted to DRTPM from all universities in Indonesia, both public and private.
Apart from that, the selection stage is also very strict because it goes through the proposal evaluation desk (administrative stage) by DRTPM, then continues with the selection of proposal substance by 3 reviewers, a combination of national reviewers assigned by DRTPM and those assigned by higher education institutions. .
According to Prof. Turhan, this is encouraging and happy news for UNESA as a University State Legal Entity (PTNBH), especially for the achievement of main performance indicators or IKU-3 and IKU-5.
In the last 3 years (2022, 2023, 2024) research and PKM achievements achieved by UNESA in competitions at DRTPM there has been a significant increase, in 2022 the number of proposals funded by DRTPM will be 26 research proposals and 7 PKM proposals.
In 2023 it increased significantly to 43 research proposals and 9 PKM proposals, and in 2024 it increased even more significantly to 117 research proposals and 13 PKM proposals, or a total of 130 proposals.
This is a significant achievement cannot be separated from the efforts of LPPM which has prepared carefully and measurably to welcome the national DRTPM competition through series of workshops and coaching clinics by bringing in the Director of DRTPM, Ministry of Education and Culture, Prof. Faiz Syuaib and several national DRTPM reviewers.
Prof Turhan re-scheduled a series of workshops and coaching clinic proposals like the previous year. He hopes that every faculty and study program will prepare a proposal team for the 2025 DRTPM competition.
Apart from UNESA's internal non-APBN competition, the team is required to take part in a proposal camp/workshop and coaching clinic at LPPM with DRTPM national reviewers. LPPM has scheduled this activity for August or October 2024.[]
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