The Chancellor of UNESA conveyed the various accomplishments and accomplishments of the institution at the peak of the 60th Anniversary at GRAHA UNESA., SURABAYA—Chancellor of Surabaya State University (UNESA), Nurhasan, explained a number of achievements and proud achievements in recent years at the Senate Open Meeting, 60th Anniversary at GRAHA UNESA on Wednesday, 21 August 2024.
The sports science professor said that UNESA had experienced significant improvements in various sectors, The number of students accepted continues to increase, as does the number of achievements, publications and innovations.
Not only that, UNESA's Main Performance Indicators (IKU) achievements have received a number of awards, namely national 1st place in the 2022 PTN-BLU IKU League for IKU 4 and 6 categories. Then national 1st place in the 2023 PTNBH IKU League for the same IKU category.
Along with winning the IKU League, the man who is familiarly called Cak Hasan said that UNESA as PTN-BH played a role in making international agendas such as the 21st ASEAN University Games (AUG) a success which was held in Surabaya and Malang.
There are also other international events such as the Joint Working Group (JWG) which was attended by dozens of chancellors from universities in France and Indonesia, to synergize with each other in opening the door to research collaboration from various programs.
Quoted from Impact Rankings 2024 data, UNESA has been ranked 15th nationally in the Times Higher Education (THE) and is ranked 601st in the World Rank of 1963 universities throughout the world.
A number of figures, officials, partners and a thousand orphans together with the foundation attended the peak of the Anniversary of the Home of Champions campus.
Other rankings also achieved 2nd place in UNS Jawametric 2023. Meanwhile in UI Green Metric, UNESA succeeded in reaching 26 national levels and 174 international levels. UNESA also succeeded in placing itself in 2nd place in the Most Qualified Teaching Practitioners Batch 4.
Apart from the ranking, various forms of documents and journal articles from the UNESA academic community indexed by Scopus will reach hundreds in 2024. This data consists of from 409 documents and 261 journal articles. "We should also be grateful that in terms of research, as many as 1,145 studies from the UNESA academic community have received funding in 2024," said Cak Hasan.
Then for the Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM) the number of UNESA students who take part is more than 5,000 in each semester. In fact, UNESA is ranked first as a state university with the highest number of applicants, reaching 5,319 students in 2024.
At the national level, there are 57 study programs with superior accreditation, 8 with A accreditation, and 22 with accreditation B. Apart from that, 13 study programs are accredited as Very Good, 41 as Good, while 12 study programs are still not updated. In the international arena, UNESA has added 37 study programs that are accredited by international institutions such as ASIIN, AQAS, and FIBAA.
The UNESA leadership together with a number of figures shook hands with representatives of orphans from various orphanage foundations in East Java.
As Chancellor UNESA, Cak Hasan also received an award in the form of the 'Change Leader Award' from PWI East Java for his transformational leadership. At the same time, UNESA was also named the 'National Campus' and broke two MURI records on the 17 August commemoration.
In the field of cooperation, UNESA won the "2023 Diktristek Cooperation Award" with 954 domestic and 121 international cooperation documents until August 2024. In the 2023 Diktristek Public Relations Award, UNESA won a number of awards, including receiving the title " Informative."
“In the future, UNESA will focus on research, innovation, internationalization and digitalization to achieve its vision of becoming a superior university with global competitiveness. "This achievement shows UNESA's commitment to contributing at the national and international level through quality education," said Cak Hasan.
Along with this activity, UNESA provided compensation to 1000 orphans. Naila, Chair of the Al Rosyidu Shoburih Foundation, Surabaya expressed her gratitude for the attention given by UNESA to her orphanage.
Naila said that the orphanage she leads is relatively small and is in a location that is difficult to reach from the community. However, UNESA continues to pay attention to the orphanage.
“This is my third visit to UNESA, and I feel very impressed. All the activities carried out are very supportive and do not make the children tired because the duration of the event is appropriate. The reception is friendly and the food served is also very good, so the children don't feel hungry. "Hopefully UNESA continues to be successful and can bring happiness to other orphanages," he said.[]
Reporter: Saputra (FBS), Dewanda Puspita (Internship), Sindy Riska (Fisipol), and Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud (FBS).
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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