Head of BPPG UNESA provides reinforcement in alumni development webinar.
Unesa. ac.id., SURABAYA--The Surabaya State University (UNESA) Professional Teacher Education Agency (BPPG) is holding a webinar with the theme "Development of UNESA PPG Alumni and Teachers to Improve Professionalism and Careers in the Education Sector" online on Friday, August 2 2024.< /p>
The head of the organizing committee, Isnawati, in her speech said that BPPG had provided a forum for the UNESA PPG Alumni Association. The hope is that this will make it easier to coordinate with alumni for future activities.
He highlighted the journal published by PPG UNESA which was named 'Incredible' as a forum for PPG students who like writing articles.
Head of BPPG UNESA, Fatkur Rohman Kafrawi, said that this innovation could unite the participants, especially PPG UNESA alumni, so that ties of friendship are maintained. It is hoped that collaboration with alumni can provide valuable input and suggestions for the development of PPG UNESA in the future.
"We hope that this webinar can provide great benefits for teachers, especially PPG Unesa alumni, in developing their careers they are in the world of education," he hoped.
The main event of this webinar presents several sessions with resource persons. In the first session, lecturer, Raharjo discussed "Using IT, especially AI in Learning". He provided insight into how information technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI), can be applied in the learning process to increase effectiveness and efficiency.
Second session, Awang Dharmawan, with the topic "Fast Track Master's Degree for PPG Alumni Teachers Unesa”. The UNESA Communication Science lecturer explained the acceleration program for teachers who wish to continue their education to master's level as an effort to improve qualifications and competencies.
In the final session, the lecturer, Karwanto, discussed "Tips for Accelerating to become a School Principal for PPG Unesa Alumni Teachers”. In this session, participants received tips and strategies to reach the position of school principal more quickly and effectively.
This webinar not only provides new knowledge but also builds networks and collaboration between educators from various regions. Through an interactive and informative question and answer session, participants had the opportunity to ask questions directly to the resource person. Thus, this activity is a real effort to improve the quality of education through coaching and developing the professionalism of educators in Indonesia.[]
Reporter: Nelly (FIP)< /p>
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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