held the 36th Bakti Student Work (BKM). This activity lasted for 10 days in Duren Village, Sawahan District, Nganjuk Regency on January 12-21, 2025.
The Chairperson, Ryan Prasetyo, said that the choice of Duren Village as the 36th BKM location because of its large area and densely populated but still lagging in the field of education. According to him, the contribution of students can increase the learning interest of the younger generation in Duren Village by continuing to apply moral Islamic values.
The efforts they made include teaching in the PAUD, TK/RA, and SD/MI education units as well as religious education institutions, such as Madrasah Diniyah (Madin) and the local Qur'anic Education Park (TPQ) considered very suitable to support the implementation of the 36th BKM program, one of the big SMEs in unesa .
Various kinds of activities to increase community value are also carried out such as the Sholeh Children Festival which is an activity that contains Islamic competitions, namely the Adhan Competition, Memorization of Short Letters, Careful Islam, and Coloring Islamic Images.
In addition, there is a discussion forum Children who discuss related relations of the age of children in the view of Islam. Then there is also an art performance and a grand study in the form of the performance of elementary school younger artists who are followed by tausiyah activities, youthfulness, village product development, village clean, and elderly posyandu.
"By looking at the various potentials in this village, we compile various activities to empower the community. Because the goal is not only for humanity, but also becomes one of the spread of the value of da'wah in Duren Village, "explained Ryan.
Sawahan Sub-District, Imam Baidowi, expressed his appreciation to the students involved in the Bakti of the 36th Student Work In Duren Village. He hoped that this collaboration could continue and provide benefits that had an impact on the villagers.
"With the end of this dedication, it does not mean that the synergy between UKKI Unesa and Duren Village ended. We hope that this relationship can continue to be established well and be able to provide concrete benefits for the development and joint welfare for the next generation, "he added. [*]
Author and Photo: BKM-36 UKKI UNESA Team
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