Tatang Muttaqin, National Talent Management expert staff of the Ministry of Education and Culture (right-batik) with the Dean of FIKK UNESA, Dr. Dwi Cahyo Kartiko, S.Pd., M.Kes in a Public Seminar.
Unesa. ac.id., SURABAYA—The Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN) or the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) together with the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) are strengthening sports science to encourage the development of sports talent and talents in Indonesia.
Top On that basis, the Ministry of National Development Planning or Bappenas and UNESA held a "Public Seminar on the Grand Design of National Talent Management in the Sports Sector" at the Ballroom of The Westin Hotel Surabaya on Tuesday, May 21 2024.
On this occasion, Dr. M. Aziz Ariyanto, M.Pd., from the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora), highlighted the important role of the central government in developing talents in the field of sports.
According to him, the government has the responsibility to facilitate and promote talent development so that Indonesia is able to compete on the international stage.
Aziz explained the scope of the "grand design" of National Talent Management (MTN), which aims to develop individuals with the best abilities at the national level so they can excel at the international level, including the Olympics and Paralympics.
Target 5th place in the Olympics
"The target of MTN this time is for Indonesia to be able to reach 5th place in the 2044 Olympics and Paralympics," he said.
Aziz also highlighted several problems faced in the world of sports, such as low participation and physical fitness in the community, limited sports infrastructure and facilities that meet standards, as well as limited budgets for the sports sector.
Salah One government strategy to overcome this is to build sports and sports science facilities in collaboration with the PUPR Ministry, such as those located in Cibubur and Karanganyar.
FIKK UNESA lecturer, Dr. Donny Ardy Kusuma, S.Pd., M.Kes., gave a press statement about the importance of strengthening National Talent Management in the Sports Sector on the sidelines seminar.
Dr. Donny Ardy Kusuma, S.Pd., M.Kes., from UNESA, highlighted the important role of sports science and the contribution of universities in developing talent in the field of sports.
According to him, to advance sports in Indonesia, It is not enough just to improve sports science facilities, but also requires strong cooperation and synergy between various parties so that Indonesia can achieve achievements in international competitions such as the Olympics.
The importance of managerial theoretical concepts, especially in the formation of a sports pyramid is an important reference in understanding the expansion and development of sports in stages.
"One of the fundamental difficulties faced is that good management is needed so that the best talent can reach the peak of achievement," he explained.
UNESA has actively carried out actual and factual research, which is appropriate to conditions in the field, so that the use of sports science can be carried out efficiently.
One example of UNESA's collaboration in developing sports talent, namely through monitoring the talent development process at the National Potential Youth Sports Training Center (SLOMPN) in Surabaya.
"We implement a system that monitors athletes' performance conditions on a daily basis, with the understanding that the process of coaching athletes towards achievement is not always in line with the achievements of current champions, but is part of the process towards perfection," he explained.
On that occasion, Dr. Randa Fitri Rahmawati, M.Sc., as Secretary of the East Java Youth and Sports Service. He highlighted East Java's sporting achievements which have not yet become overall champions at several national sports weeks, so it is a challenge to further improve future achievements.
Improving East Java's Achievements
The entire committee, participants and invited guests who attended started the activity by doing sports together.
To achieve For this purpose, East Java has designed several sports achievement programs for 2024, such as student sports selection centers, Regional Student Sports Week (Popda), and various other activities.
"The East Java Provincial Government has also allocated a budget that "significant for sports development, such as the 2024 KONI grant of 250 billion, and several other budgets for sports facilities and infrastructure for sports associations throughout East Java," he concluded.
Not only that, the synergy program for sports empowerment and culture is also became the focus, by providing sports equipment to sports associations in East Java. This program has been implemented since 2022, and there has been an increase in the budget from 4 billion in the previous year to 27 billion in 2023.
Tatang Muttaqin, Ph.D., expert staff in talent management at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), explains the talent management information system developed by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology.
This system includes several outstanding students from various levels of education, from elementary school to college, and has been integrated into several information systems, including Dapodik.
The use of this talent information system is very broad, one of which is for tracking New Student Admissions (PPDB) achievement pathways at schools, as well as selecting new admissions for diploma and undergraduate students at the national level based on achievement.
Apart from that, this system is also used to provide school operational assistance or performance School Operational Assistance (BOS), as well as to provide "Indonesia Maju" scholarships.
Moderated activities Dr. Dwi Cahyo Kartiko, M.Kes, Dean of the Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK) UNESA was also attended by Amich Alhumami, Deputy for Human Development, Society and Culture of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, and Raden Rara Rita Erawati, S.H., Director of Family, Women , Children, Youth and Sports (KPAPO) Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, as well as other stakeholders.[]
Reprter: Mohammad Dian Purnama (FMIPA) and Salsabila Condro Wati (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Documentation of the Team of the Directorate of Public Relations and Public Information
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