Indonesian contingent at the closing ceremony of AUG XXI 2024 at UM, Malang.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—The Indonesian contingent successfully extended its overall champion record for the 11th time at the 2024 ASEAN University Games (AUG) XXI (21) which took place in Surabaya-Malang on 25 June-06 July 2024.
Team Young Garuda succeeded in dominating competitions in various sports by winning very impressive medals. Of the 21 sports and 250 numbers contested, the Indonesian contingent won a total of 296 medals, with details of 126 gold, 99 silver and 71 bronze.
The medals were won by athletes from a number of universities who strengthened the Indonesian contingent at the student sports event which was attended by delegates from 10 ASEAN member countries. Of the various universities, Surabaya State University (UNESA) is the campus that has donated many medals to Indonesia.
"From the reports received, UNESA athletes contributed a total of 25 medals for Indonesia at AUG this time," said Cak Hasan (Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes) UNESA Chancellor after a press conference at the State University Rectorate Malang (UM) on Saturday, July 5 2024, evening.
UNESA Chancellor Cak Hasan gave a press statement at a press conference at the Rectorate, UM at the closing of AUG XXI 2024.
College athlete 'Home of Champions' managed to collect 13 gold medals, 7 silver medals and 5 bronze medals for Indonesia. The results of the struggle and hard work of the UNESA athletes have not only made the institution proud, but also the Indonesian people and state.
For these various achievements, Cak Hasan will give appreciation to his athletes who have fought and made Indonesia proud at the ASEAN level through AUG XXI 2024. "We give appreciation to these students (athletes), in the form of coaching bonuses, final assignment release, or conversion of achievements into certain forms of credits, and so on," said Cak Hasan.
This appreciation is UNESA's commitment to supporting and motivating its athletes to be enthusiastic about continuing to develop their sports competencies in order to achieve achievements on the sporting stage that are equal or even higher in the future.
"There are four tasks for athletes, and they have to focus, namely training, training, training and studying. We don't want athletes' development to be hampered. They have to focus on training and learning in their respective portions. They have struggled to country, when we give the best for their development," he said.
Dean of the Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK), Dr. Dwi Cahyo Kartiko, S.Pd., M.Kes., added, as usual, UNESA continues to give appreciation to outstanding athletes according to their level of achievement.
Dean of FIKK UNESA Dr. Dwi Cahyo Kartiko, S.Pd., M.Kes, in awarding tennis at UNESA.
He emphasized that the appreciation will be adjusted to the athlete's needs, which of course is based on the provisions of the appreciation scheme in general, such as bonuses, UKT relief and thesis exemption.
The Dean emphasized that the thesis exemption in question does not mean graduating students or athletes without going through final assignment and exam procedures. However, they still go through the final assignment procedure, but it is non-thesis.
The training process or system, the achievements obtained by athletes can be written as a final assignment and presented or tested to assess their suitability. "We give this appreciation to them, not only to appreciate their struggle and motivate them," he said.
For information, the list of campuses that contributed medals to Indonesia includes the following:
- Surabaya State University (UNESA), 13 gold, 7 silver and 5 bronze< /li>
- LSPR Institute of Communication and Business, 13 gold, 6 silver, 5 bronze
- Jakarta State University (UNJ), 11 gold, 12 silver, 13 bronze
- University Semarang State (Unnes), 9 gold, 4 silver, 6 bronze
- Open University, 9 gold, 3 silver, 1 bronze
- Guna Dharma University, 8 gold, 6 silver, and 2 bronze
- Bakrie University, 7 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze
- Surabaya University (Ubaya), 6 gold, 9 silver
- Bina Nusantara University, 6 gold, 8 silver and 4 bronze
- Wahid Hasyim University, 6 gold, 3 silver and 2 bronze
- Samarinda Agricultural State Polytechnic, 6 gold
- Diponegoro University (Undip), 5 gold, 1 silver
- Perbanas Asian Institute of Finance-Banking and Informatics, 4 gold, 8 silver, 7 bronze
- Dian Nuswantoro University, 4 gold, 3 silver,
- And, others. []
Reporter: UNESA PR Team
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team< /p>
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