Unesa.ac.id, MAGETAN—Surabaya State University (UNESA) together with Pertamina AFT Iswahyudi and the Magetan City Government (Pemkot) planted 3,000 matoa tree seedlings in the courtyard of Campus 5 Magetan, on Friday, February 16 2024.
This activity was held in order to increase green energy and carbonated culture, in order to create increased oxygen productivity in the city of Magetan.
Assistant Regent of Magetan Drs. Benny Adrian , M.Sc., in his speech said that this activity as a result of collaboration between UNESA, Pertamina AFT Iswahyudi, and the Magetan City Government is a form of long-term investment in the fields of education and the environment.
"Investment in "We need to do this very important environmental sector in order to overcome and reduce inequality and drastic temperature increases in urban areas," he said.
In line with this statement, Didik Suprayitno as Manager of Pertamina Aviation Fuel Terminal (AFT) Iswahyudi said that AFT Magetan took part in the carbonation issue.
This program, explained Didik, was deliberately carried out to improve the quality of clean oxygen. The matoa tree was chosen because it is one of the top 7 trees that absorb the most carbon in the world.
"We hope that through this program, environmental empowerment can be felt in the not too distant future," he said.
Director of Unesa's Off-Main Campus Study Program (PSDKU), Prof. Dr. Sarmini, M.Hum., said that this activity was part of the commitment of the 'House of Champions' campus in improving the quality of the environment in the Magetan campus area.
In addition, in connection with the construction process of the Unesa Magetan Campus, he added that in the short term a food court will be built behind the main building.
Even after the official handover of the main building of the Magetan Campus to UNESA on 28 February 2024, added Prof. Sarmini, the plan is for UNESA's Anniversary in 2024 to be held here.
The event of planting 3,000 matoa tree seeds was also attended by BPTI expert staff, Yok Sudjarwadi, S.STP., M.Si., Kadis Environment, Saif Muchlissun, S.Sos., M.M., and Iswahjudi Air Base, Lt. Col. Mujianto.
Also present were the Head of Maospati District, Muryani, S.Sos., Kapolsek Maospati, Kompol Sumantri, S.H., Danramil Maospati , Captain Inf. Sunaryo, and Head of Maospati Village, Indra Ariesta Ardy S.STP., M.Sc.[]
Reporter: Saputra
Editor: @ zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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