Unesa.ac.id, MAGETAN—Surabaya State University (UNESA) conducted a socialization of the Magetan campus study program at SMA Negeri 1 Magetan, on Tuesday, September 26 2023. This activity was attended by hundreds of participants from 47 SMA/SMK/SLB throughout Magetan Regency
This activity was welcomed by the ranks of the Magetan Regency Government. Pls. Magetan Regional Secretary (Sekda), Drs. Hermawan, M.Sc., said, this activity is a good opportunity for schools and students to find out the projections for campuses in Magetan.
"The presence of UNESA is expected to have a positive impact on human resources and can make a significant contribution in development of Magetan and its surroundings," said the man who is Head of the Population and Civil Registration Service.
Through higher education, he continued, a person has the spark to change the fate of his family, in fact the impact is not only limited to the individual, but also to overall progress of Magetan.

Bambang Mulya Hartono, S.Pd., M.Pd., School Supervisor of the Ponorogo Regional Education Service Branch (Cabdin) said that the UNESA Magetan Campus is in line with the East Java government program which aims to improve quality of education in the region.
This will directly support improving school performance in Magetan where educational standards there will include graduates accepted at state universities.
He encouraged schools in Magetan to immediately prepare the documents needed for their students to continue to college. Students in Magetan who excel have a good chance of being accepted through the achievement pathway offered by UNESA.
The chairman of the Magetan DPRD, Sujatno, said that the presence of UNESA in Magetan would have a positive impact on the people of Magetan and its surroundings. Not only from the education and human resources aspect, but also the economic aspect.
In addition, he continued, UNESA's excellence in the field of sports is an important key for the progress of the world of sports and sports achievements in Magetan. "The impact can also lead to the health sector, such as stunting for example," he said.
Director of Campuses Outside the Main Campus, Prof. Dr. Sarmini, M.Hum., said that the presence of UNESA in Magetan was really to facilitate access to higher education for the sons and daughters of areas around Magetan.
"You don't have to go far to study, but you can study in Magetan. Students can also learn directly to apply their scientific discipline to solve regional problems through the various MBKM programs that we have prepared," he said.
He added, there are many admission routes that will be opened, one of which is the achievement route which consists of various categories. Well, this can be used by students or high achieving students.
There are seven study programs at the Magetan Campus and all of them have been accredited by LAM-Dik. In the future, of course there will be the opening of study programs with a target of up to 25 study programs. All information related to the UNESA Magetan Campus can be accessed via the admisi.unesa.ac.id page.
"We hope that the existence of the UNESA Magetan campus will be known to all elements of society without exception," he said, accompanied by the Director of Public Relations and Public Information. . [*]
Reporter: Mohammad Dian Purnama
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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