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Unesa.ac.id SURABAYA—UNESA Crisis Center Mitigation Subdirectorate (SMCC) participated in the Campus Clean-up Action which was held in the context of National Waste Awareness Day (HPSN) 2024. This event was held in each faculty around UNESA on Friday, February 23 2024.
This activity involves various parties including deans, student affairs directors, dormitory directors, BEM faculties , HIMA study programs, student activity units, general students, dormitory residents, as well as cleaning services.
National Waste Awareness Day is celebrated every February 21, presented with an interesting concept in the Campus Clean-up Action with the tagline, #UNESAPEDULI #GOGreenUNESA. This event is not only a forum for cleaning the campus environment but also aims to achieve the national target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the waste and waste sector.
Emillul Fata N.W., field coordinator at the Ketintang Campus of The SMCC team, explained that as many as five team members were spread across several faculties to collect rubbish.
The collected rubbish will be disposed of in final disposal as part of a joint effort to achieve the clean-up target in each faculty. He also said that general student participation still needs to be increased, and improvements will be made through more massive outreach and inviting them directly.
The 2024 HPSN commemoration at UNESA underlines the important role of the waste management sector as a driver Indonesian economic growth. This is a manifestation of the principle of sustainable waste management which integrates economic, social and environmental aspects.
"It is hoped that through joint efforts like this, the problem of plastic pollution can be overcome in a more productive way," hoped Emillul Fata .[]
Reporter: Prismacintya Rachmatica/Salsabila Condro Wati
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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