Illustration of weakness during fasting, especially in the afternoon and evening before breaking the fast. This condition is caused by unbalanced eating patterns and nutritional intake (illustration/ Karolina Grabowska/https://www
Unesa., SURABAYA--A healthy diet with a balanced nutritional intake is very important for health. During the fasting month like this, you need to pay attention to your diet so that it is not only healthy, your body doesn't get weak quickly.
Balanced nutritional intake is a concept of eating that is not only full, but the nutritional content in it is in accordance with the body's needs. which consists of protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and vitamins.
Lini Anisfatus Sholihah, S.Gz., M.Sc., lecturer at the Bachelor of Nutrition Science, Surabaya State University (UNESA) emphasized that it is good When breaking the fast or sahur, pay attention to nutritional patterns and intake that suit your needs.
The eating pattern in question, for example when breaking the fast, does not immediately consume heavy portions of food, because this can have an impact on the digestive system.
He suggests consuming food gradually when breaking the fast, starting from consuming minerals or foods containing liquids such as mineral water, milk, fruit juice, or fruit such as dates.
"Open with a portion of food Excess is not recommended. It's best to eat light meals when breaking the fast. "Only after Maghrib prayers will we consume heavy food," he said.
Regarding the portion of nutritional intake when breaking the fast or sahur, each person can be different. However, in general it can be seen from several categories of intake that must be fulfilled .
First, staple foods that contain carbohydrates such as half a normal plate of white rice. For those who don't eat white rice for some reason, you can use brown rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava, wheat, and so on.< /p>
Secondly, side dishes. Apart from filling half the plate with staple foods, it also needs to be filled with side dishes which at least contain animal protein from fish or meat. Apart from that, vegetable protein from tofu, tempeh and nuts.< /p>
Third, vegetables and fruit. If half the plate is filled with staple foods and side dishes, the other half of the plate is filled with vegetables and fruit. Regarding vegetables, they can be consumed raw, stir-fried or boiled according to taste.
"For fruit, choose something easy, such as bananas, whose potassium content can help maintain the balance of minerals in the body during fasting," he explained.
The Surabaya-born lecturer highlighted the habit of many people who like to eat fried foods when breaking the fast. . According to him, it is not prohibited, but it is very risky if consumed continuously (routinely), especially in large quantities.
The impact of fasting all day, usually after tarawih, hunger appears. Well, that's a normal thing and you can do this by eating light foods such as snacks that don't contain excess fat and sugar. []
Reporter: Mohammad Dian Purnama
Editor: @zam*
Illustration: Karolina Grabowska/https: //
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